Following are the unique services that we include in the web design so that you will get best returns on your investment on the web design. Almost all the web design companies/freelancers quote lowest price—which is too good to be true—without any consideration of the following elements and at the end you will get just a website, but may not get any returns on the web site investment at all.

Professional Quality

How It Benefits You?

Unlike competition, we do NOT simply copy and paste your content. We do spell check (We’ve learned 16 years ago when we misspelled curriculum and lost many students on our own web site). We make sure data is consistent. A simple example how a typical web site data would be without editing: Mr. at one place and MR. at one place and Mr (without period after that) at one place. 5.00am vs 5:00am vs 5:00AM –AM is an abbreviation and it needs to be in upper case and hours and minutes need to be separated by colon, not period. Soft paragraphs (paragraphs that have no space in between and looks like a single paragraph, even though it is multiple paragraphs) vs actual paragraph. Spaces before punctuation marks such as :, ?, etc. We insert commas in numeric values more than 999 for better readability. Eg: Which one is more readable? Rs 568554 or Rs 5,68,554? NO web design company pays attention to these issues, but we do.


Strong SEO Foundation

How It Benefits You?

Since SEO is a separate and premium service, no web design company includes it as part of standard web design service. If you take a simple example of a building, if foundation is strong and hook are built properly, adding additional floors neither weakens the ground floor nor results in building all over again starting from ground floor. As a professional and reputed web design company, irrespective of whether you sign-up for SEO services or not, our web design includes strong foundation for future SEO services resulting less work to be done during SEO and less fee you need to pay for SEO services.

We Save You From Expensive Hidden Costs

Majority of the web design companies develop even static HTML webpages in PHP or in .NET languages. Unless there is dynamic and/or user or session specific content, usage of any programing language is:

How It Benefits You?

A) Unnecessary. Why to add something that is absolutely not needed and make it complicated?

B) Prevents an average end-user from modifying files directly since it has programming code.

C) Increases maintenance costs because it needs both a programmer and a web designer as opposed to just a web designer.

D) Increases hosting costs especially in cloud hosting since every additional second computer spends in processing these files are billed to you every month. Static files do not need any processing and can even be compressed to its best.

E) Having PHP or ASPX file extensions prevents certain search engines indexing your web pages, there by affecting traffic and ultimately returns on your investment.

F) Some languages such as .NET even add extra unnecessary code unless the programmer has resource usage consciousness and optimizes it. Unless absolutely it is necessary, we try to avoid using programming languages for static web sites even though we’ve a troop of programmers in-house.

Efficient Architecture

How It Benefits You?

Our team finds out common elements and separates them into their own files and/or combines them as they fit so that they do not have to be downloaded repeatedly for each page. This leads to easier maintenance, occupies less space, lowered bandwidth costs, faster page downloads, better search engine ranking.



Optimized web pages, Java Scripts, Style Sheets

How It Benefits You?

After consolidating java scripts (used to provide dynamic interaction, visitor submitted data validation) and style sheets (used to give the look and feel of the website), we optimize ALL web pages, java scripts, style sheets to take least size which leads to least hosting space requirement, faster page downloads, faster page display, page caching (benefit of consolidation and separation from the main files) and affects search engine ranking slightly positively. The bandwidth usage could be as much as 50% lower.


Optimized Graphics & Images

How It Benefits You?

We make sure that each and every picture or graphic image used in the website is optimized for the best viewing quality by the net standards or your requirement and takes the least possible size so that it will download fast. Your website visitors will be able to download your web pages quickly and get better experience of visiting your website. While broadband is becoming popular, the download time for the web page to display is important and slow speed connections are kept in mind. Web page download speed also has some influence on the ranking in search engines.


W3C HTML & CSS Validation

How It Benefits You?

Web pages are created using HTML. Similar to auto makers who release a car model each year, HTML has several versions/standards released over a period of time. We make sure that we use the latest standard and follow the international standards that are set by W3C.



Peace of Mind

How It Benefits You?

When you get your pants stitched, do you find the same cloth you gave to the tailor for inside pockets? I always found some other cloth, different design/colour, etc. Similarly, most of the websites include some stock photos, art work that is not owned by you as part of the design. Many web designers/companies search on the Internet and use those photos without those photos owners’ permission. When they find this, you will get a lawyer notice along with very expensive invoice, such as Rs 1 lakh when the actual photo costs just Rs 500. The web designer/company does not get them, but you will be served with those notices & invoices since you are the owner of the website. What we do at our company? We’ve invested lakhs of rupees in acquiring royalty-free stock images libraries so that you get very high resolution photos with peace-of-mind.


ZERO or Minimal Remote Hosted Content

How It Benefits You?

Majority of web design companies link to scripts or resources hosted on remote web sites. When those 3rd party web sites are slow or down, it affects your web page load time. Linking to even Google hosted resources is not an exception, it slows down the web page load leading to visitor dissatisfaction or lost prospect. We design to host as much technically and legally as possible on your own website itself and zero down the impact of other web sites.


Optimized Web Hosting

How It Benefits You?

Even the best designed web site may not give 100% desired results unless it is hosted properly. With the experience of hosting over 10,000 web sites for different target audience, server environments, we know how to host the web site to its best. We optimize web site hosting with proper compression for quickest page downloads, proper caching to avoid repeated downloads when it is not needed by the browser, proper headers setting, errors & traffic logging, protecting important files, backups, monitoring, proper redirections and so on.