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Campus Management Web Services

Campus on-Demand

Traditional SoftwaredotCampus/Software-as-a-Service (SAAS)
You need to have a powerful server, which costs in lakhs. No server is required by you.
Needs to be installed on your server in your premise. 100% served from our servers.
Client software needs to be installed on each computer in your campus. Standard browser such as Internet Explorer, FireFox, Opera is used and no software needs to be installed on any computer in your campus.
Can be accessed from within your campus ONLY. Can be accessed from anywhere in the world as long as Internet connection is available.
License for server software such as Windows 2003 needs to be purchased and client licenses for each computer that is connected to. No license fee.
Server software needs to be upgraded, service packs and emergency patches needs to be applied as and when they are available. No upgrades to be done by you. We do the upgrades on the server.
Database server software such as MS-SQL Server 2005 license needs to be purchased. No license fee.
Database and server needs to be backed up everyday on tapes or backup media. None to be done by you. We back up the data.
You need to license and install Anti-Virus software on the server. None to be by you. We install the software on our server.
Any change to the college software needs upgrades on the server and user computers. No software upgrades are needed on your server/user computers.
Dedicated system administrator is needed. No system administrator is needed in your campus in order to support our software.
Lump sum heavy investment at one time and yearly upgrades investment. No one-time heavy investment. Regular monthly payments only.
Changes to college software need to be paid annually. All college software changes are free.

How it Works?

1Register a domain for your institute and skip to step 4.
2If you already have one and hosted with us, skip to step 4.
3If you already have a domain registered, but hosted else where, either change DNS servers to our servers or transfer the domain to our registry, and upload your existing website to our server.
4We will install SSL certificate for your website control panel. This step may take 5-6 hours.
5We will setup dotCampus for your institute and upload your institute logo and website template into the control panel. This step takes 5-6 hours, even though it is almost all automated.

If you've just registered a new domain or DNS servers are changed to our servers from else where, it takes approximately 24 hours for the website to start working since prorogation of new registration records or DNS changes throughout the world takes that long.

In most cases, you should be able to start using dotCampus in about 24 hours. It may take a week or more if you register a new .AC.IN domain, since Govt. of India's procedures and paperwork take that long.

Why dotCampus?

  • dotCampus is the best and only integrated software service for higher education that gives you the real insight into all aspects of an institute which is practically impossible to find otherwise.
  • Many features of dotCampus are innovative and unique to dotCampus that help in many aspects of your institute. In some cases, we've floated the ideas to other vendors and worked with them to add more features to their services and automate our processes to give you features that were never imagined.
  • dotCampus is the only software service that saves you 50% of time, resources and 75%+ of money.
  • Every byte of code is written with security and performance consciousness.
  • dotCampus is the only software service that retains all of your institution data—say you use this service for 5 years, you can access all 5 years data all the time based on your role and permissions—online, meaning you can drill-down into data, do data analysis, find trends, etc. Our competitors keep just current year data and you need to restore previous year database to see previous years data, making the current year data offline.
  • Unlike others, this is not just a show case of all modules with one or two data-entry screens per module and few reports. All data is entered ONLY ONCE and the same is used everywhere in different ways including publishing on the net, resume preparation, etc.
  • If used as recommended, you will see cutting edge technology working in every aspect of teaching and change the entire institution culture to real 21st century.
  • dotCampus is highly well-thought designed system developed from scratch in-house after surveying 20+ institutions.
  • Unlike competitors, dotCampus is neither an outdated client-server/offline system nor developed by stitching many open source softwares. Even though we developed the system as early as 2004, we refused to rewrite the code for soon-to-be-outdated offline deployment model and waited for the Internet technologies and bandwidth availability to catch up.
  • We are in the web services business since the web's infancy days. We had conducted online courses world-wide in the year 1996 itself where the 14K modem was the fastest modem available for consumers.
  • We provide end-to-end web services including domain registration, website strategy advise, website planning, designing, optimizing, website hosting, email hosting, promoting websites. We use our OWN DNS servers, host on our servers, monitored by our in-house team with procedures built and fine-tuned for over the last decade. We backup data and database for best recovery and we follow the industry's best practices PLUS we do additional validation and security procedures.

Request a Demo

Compare & Decide

What to Consider While Comparing Campus Software Services?

Few things to consider before you make a decision on which vendor's SaaS services to take.

  • Price – this is important, but can not be the only one criteria in deciding. Some of them look very cheap on the surface, but it could be too good to be true. When a ballpoint figure is quoted, you need to adjust that price based on the following factors and come to the adjusted/actual price that can be Apple to Apple comparison, otherwise, it can not a real comparison at all and will lead to wrong decision.
  • Product architecture – Is it designed for the current generation and using cutting edge technologies or designed using a decade old client/server model for off line use? “Everything Online” is the trend everywhere and web 2.0 is already here for a while and we are already at the beginning of “Everything Virtual” trend. Don't settle for handicapped off line or client/server model, even if it comes dead cheap.
  • Product components – Check whether it is designed using a bunch of free/open-source components stitched together or designed in-house from scratch. Open-Source is not bad if there is a real open-source made from scratch for full school/college management, and if it meets your and other criteria mentioned here. But it is worst if few things that are not designed to work together are put together somehow and delivered to you. Note that they are put together, they are NOT integrated. There is a lot of difference. Some things are difficult to make them fully flexible even in software that are designed from scratch, then imagine how a software with few unrelated components put just together is flexible and works for you.
  • Features – School or college management software is not just few screens for marks and attendance. Because of non spread of IT in educational institutes, it is generally thought marks, attendance and SMS is what the software is. Absolutely not. They are just 1-2% of the features. If software is designed from scratch with original ideas after studying the real world needs and practices, there are many things that can be done which are not possible/thought traditionally and may change your institute complete culture and make best use of IT. Make sure it has full of features that saves you time, resources and money.
  • Support – Check where your data is hosted, dedicated or shared servers, who supports them, their qualifications, experience, procedures, etc.
  • Security – It is very critical. It is your data. Remember that years worth of data is stored on the servers for data mining and analysis. It is no longer just current year data. Have a detailed discussion with the vendor and understand what security measures are implemented, what alert mechanisms are in place, in case of any breach how bad it can affect you and how soon it can be fixed and what automated procedures are in place. We do NOT expect chairman or principal of a college to be an IT security expert since it is not their primary job (no offense meant), take an IT security expert advise on deciding this OR take our procedures as a base to compare. Most of the softwares that we came across with don't bother about the security, they just care whether expected functionality is working or not, that's all. 98% of the candidates that we interview, even those who came from top 5 IT companies are unaware of data validation and fail our technical interviews. Privacy is a unheard term in educational institutes. Just take a very simple example, almost every single job application that we get has date of birth, place of birth, father & mother name, passport number. WHY? NONE OF THEM ARE NEEDED ANYWHERE. If it falls into the hands of a crook, he/she can very simply impersonate you and your life is over. Unfortunately, these are the kind of security-unaware people who program too. It is not their mistake, but the company who employe them must train them and enforce certain security standards right from line 1 of the code, which unfortunately is not the case in many companies.
  • FREE – My friend, there is nothing called “FREE LUNCH” in this world, don't fall into that trap. Every one has to make a living. If something is given free, you're paying somewhere else.
  • Software developed by students – Good idea, let us all go ahead and make brain/heart operations from college students. You can as well get all the college building built by students in summer time, why is it built by professionals? Take a break, my friend. They are just students, and they are just learning. The data you've is as important as your bank documents. The data is the heart of your institute. What exactly you're trying to save? If you document every resource and add them up, you are not saving a single penny. If I were you, I would rather take a professional service and concentrate on my core objectives.



  • Online admissions.
  • Completely configurable online admission form to exactly match your printed admission form
    1. Setup the admission form.
    2. Application form fields/prompts.
    3. Specify in which order those fields need to be displayed.
    4. Specify whether they are required or optional fields.
    5. Specify custom labels for each field.
    6. Specify pre-defined values for some fields and add/edit those pre-defined values. Eg: You may want to display Pune, Hyderabad as entrance exam centers.
  • You can also display terms & conditions, make any files available for download by the applicant.
  • Allow applicant to upload files, such as scanned copy of certificates.
  • See list of all applicants from the control panel on various criteria's, such as marks, ranks, reservation categories, allocation status, waiting lists, etc.
  • Designated college staff can review applications and write their comments and make it available for other enrollment/admissions staff to read.
  • Allocate seat to an applicant and automatically add the student to the program/course.
  • Enrolment into a course automatically takes data from admission form and removes redundant data-entry and mistakes.
  • Applicant can be notified automatically when status changes or explicitly via email or SMS.
  • Applicant can check his application status at any time.


  • Add/modify/delete courses.
  • Configure the term to be a Day, Week, Month, Semester, Year, etc.
  • Unlimited number of terms.
  • Support for sections in each term.
  • Support for shift based programs which is recently permitted by AICTE.
  • Configure different schedules for each term and section, ie, different college days, different holidays, daily college start and close times, different lunch/break times and class/session duration times.
  • Promote student from one term to the next.
  • Transfer student from one course to the other.


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  • Schedule/unscheduled exams.
  • Prepare and conduct online exams with random questions.
  • Add/modify marks.
  • Class marks report with automatic ranking.
  • Individual marks report for a given exam.
  • Individual progress report (year-to-date).
  • Semester-to-semester/year-to-year comparison report.
  • Comparison report with top 5 rankers.
  • Whole college report.
  • Support for offline/traditional exams and online exams
  • Customizable grades.
  • Customizable ranking formulas.
  • Automatic exam paper evaluations and marks allocation.
  • Save thousands of hours on exam paper evaluations.
  • Exam schedule notifications via email and SMS.
  • Marks notifications to students and parents via email and SMS.
  • Support for pictures, audio and video based questions.
  • Configurable various online calculators including regular, scientific and business calculators to be available during online exams.
  • Setup question banks for each course, subject and term.
  • Create question papers from question banks.
  • Shuffle questions for each student.
  • Shuffle answers for each question.
  • Support for negative marks on wrong answers.
  • Support for different marks for each question which are configurable.
  • Analyze in which exact topic(s) students performance is poor so that faculty can revisit those topics.
  • Compare student performance in each topic with all the previous years.


  • Fee setup at the college level or program level or term level or section level or specific student level.
  • Reminders emails, SMS messages and internal emails.
  • Provision for tax collection.
  • Integration with Payment gateway for online payments.
  • Provision for a separate service fee for online payments.
  • Daily collections report.
  • Program wise monthly fees collections report.
  • Program wise year-to-date fees collections report.
  • Fees collections report by fee type.
  • Student payment report.
  • Fees over dues report.
  • Historical program wise monthly collections comparison report.
  • Historical fees collections by fee type comparison report.
  • Option to email reports.
  • Option to export reports.
  • Counter wise collection reports.
  • Define who can collect fee for a specific course and term.
  • Restrict who can see collection fee reports and the scope each report.
  • Schedule reports and get collection reports via email without signing-in daily.
  • Customize fee receipt to accurately match your existing receipt.
  • Define student groups and set up fee to those groups. For eg: create a group who reside in 5 Km range and setup a transportation fee for 5Km range OR define a group to include a specific reservation category of students and schedule special reduced fee for that group.


  • Category/student/member level configuration.
  • Add/modify books, magazines, newspapers, audio/video tapes, CDs, DVDs and many more.
  • Reservations.
  • Cancellations.
  • Issues.
  • Returns.
  • Renewals as per library rules.
  • Mark an item damaged/lost.
  • Automatic reminders for book returns.
  • Automatic email notification students/staff when new title is added to the library.
  • Automatic email when the reserved title is available.
  • Integration with class textbooks.
  • Integration with class syllabus.

Library Reports

  • Daily issues report.
  • Daily returns report.
  • Summary/graphic & detailed supplier wise report.
  • Summary/graphic & detailed category wise report.
  • Detailed member/student wise report.
  • Monthly transactions report.
  • Yearly library investment report.
  • Late-fee collections report.
  • Current net worth report.
  • Current program wise net worth report.
  • Item history (includes all issues, returns, late-fee since its addition to the library).
  • Media type wise reports.


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  • Define all facilities such as rooms, labs, playground, computers, software, computer applications, for tracking.
  • Upload pictures and videos for rooms, labs, playgrounds.
  • Publish selected facilities online on your website.


Staff Attendance

  • Bulk attendance feature.
  • Teaching staff can mark the syllabus covered in sessions.
  • Daily, Monthly, Annual (academic/calendar) attendance report.
  • Teaching hours report.
  • Available staff report for class reassignment on a staff leave.
  • Available leaves report for staff.
  • Online leave application.
  • Online leave approval and notification.
  • Support for per class, per day, per visit attendance.

Students Attendance

Coming soon...


Data speaks volumes. You need to tune yourself to hear it. dotCampus enables that frequency for you so that you can listen to it and unlock secrets.

The purpose of homework is to find out how much students really understood what is taught in the classroom. In the traditional or manual method, or even in computer based systems which are designed for namesake, it is really hard to find out which topics are not understood by students properly, ie, most of the students performed poorly. Once you know which exact topics or even points are not understood, you can plan what topics to teach again and which topics need more examples and explanations so that students performance would be up-to-mark.

  • Animated 3-D graphics is a common feature in all reports.
  • Export into RTF/PDF/Excel/CSV format and email options are common features in all reports (based on configuration).
  • Find which students are not submitting home work on time consistently.
  • Find which homework is wrongly answered by most students.
  • Find which specific exercise in homework most of the students not performed very well.
  • Notify parents via email & SMS about their children homework performance automatically.


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Staff Payroll

  • Calculate monthly salaries.
  • Manage yearly increments.
  • Maintain staff profile & comments.
  • Manage leaves.
  • Manage tax-filings.

Students Placement

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Under construction...


  • Unlimited emails with fellow students, faculty, college staff, parents, placement officer.
  • Multiple attachment support.
  • HTML compose support.
  • Find and address by role.
  • Campus/Intranet Emails are in addition to college branded emails which can send and receive emails from outside.

Notice Board

Notice Board

Under construction...


Instant access to applications data. Communicate with even overseas
applicants instantly using dotCampus.

  • Online admissions.
  • Get notified as soon as an application is submitted.
  • Notify applicant right away if application has any issues.
  • Day wise applications report.
  • Reservation category wise applications report.
  • Marks and ranks wise applications report.
  • Applicant's location wise report.

  • Animated 3-D graphics.
  • Export into RTF/PDF/Excel/CSV formats.
  • Print reports.
  • Email reports.

Students Attendance

Reducing absents is the key to the college performance. dotCampus does
100% monitoring and alerting for you so that you can fully
concentrate on curriculum and teaching.

  • Monitor students attendance class/session wise.
  • Monitor students attendance faculty wise.
  • Monitor students attendance subject wise.
  • Compare students attendance morning vs evening sessions.
  • Compare students attendance lecture vs practical sessions.
  • Find top 10 absents in each course.
  • Find top 10 absents college wide.
  • Department head can find absents in the department
  • Year-to-date subject wise top 10 absent students report.
  • College wise attendance report.
  • SMS to parents on absent.
  • Daily reports by email to head of the department, principal and chairman.
  • “Topics missed during absents” report to students.
  • “Subject wise topics missed during absents” aggregated report to faculty to find which topics need to be re-taught.

  • Animated 3-D graphics.
  • Export into RTF/PDF/Excel/CSV formats.
  • Print reports.
  • Email reports.


Monitor student performance in every homework, quiz, exam. dotCampus
can help you in pinpointing exact topic leading to poor performance.

  • Pinpoint the exact topics in the syllabus are leading to poor performance.
  • Instant marks reports to students and parents via email and SMS.
  • Instant progress reports with to students, parents, faculty and college management.
  • Drill-downable subject with animated 3-D graphics.
  • Marks reports across all semesters/years.
  • Students performance reports across all group colleges.
  • Class marks report with automatic ranking.
  • Compare selected students' performance.

  • Animated 3-D graphics.
  • Export into RTF/PDF/Excel/CSV formats.
  • Print reports.
  • Email reports.


Data speaks volumes. You need to tune yourself to hear it. dotCampus enables that frequency for you so that you can listen to it and unlock secrets

The purpose of homework is to find out how much students really understood what is taught in the classroom. In the traditional or manual method, or even in computer based systems which are designed for namesake, it is really hard to find out which topics are not understood by students properly, ie, most of the students performed poorly. Once you know which exact topics or even points are not understood, you can plan what topics to teach again and which topics need more examples and explanations so that students performance would be up-to-mark.

  • Animated 3-D graphics is a common feature in all reports.
  • Export into RTF/PDF/Excel/CSV format and email options are common features in all reports (based on configuration).
  • Find which students are not submitting home work on time consistently.
  • Find which homework is wrongly answered by most students.
  • Find which specific exercise in homework most of the students not performed very well.
  • Notify parents via email & SMS about their children homework performance automatically.

  • Animated 3-D graphics.
  • Export into RTF/PDF/Excel/CSV formats.
  • Print reports.
  • Email reports.

Fee Collections

Cash-flow is important for any establishment. dotCampus can help you
in cash-flow projections, actuals & analysis.

  • Find out cash-flow projections each month for the whole academic year.
  • Find out fee type wise collections.
  • Find out counter wise collections.
  • Compare collections across group colleges.
  • Find out department wise, course wise, term wise daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly collections.
  • Get over dues report daily.

  • Animated 3-D graphics.
  • Export into RTF/PDF/Excel/CSV formats.
  • Print reports.
  • Email reports.

Students Placement

Know industry trends? You'll know where to stress in the curriculum and
additional training to provide. dotCampus can help you.

  • ind out which students resumes are most/least viewed.
  • Find out which placement agency is actively reviewing your students' resumes or forwarding resumes to companies.
  • Find out the starting salaries trends.
  • Find out the starting job titles, industries trends.
  • Trend salaries, starting job titles, industries with all previous years' data.

  • Animated 3-D graphics.
  • Export into RTF/PDF/Excel/CSV formats.
  • Print reports.
  • Email reports.

Students Performance

Frequent student performance evaluation improves marks in the finals.
dotCampus can alert you with early signals.

  • Find student performance in every home work and exam.
  • Find out in which exact topic the performance is poor

  • Animated 3-D graphics.
  • Export into RTF/PDF/Excel/CSV formats.
  • Print reports.
  • Email reports.

Staff Performance

Tracking staff performance, helping improving their efficiency is the key
to the college success.
dotCampus can help you in both.

  • Find out who is (not]/on-track on the syllabus.
  • Find out whose actual teaching hours are lot different from planned.
  • Find out who is giving more home work.
  • Find out whose classes have more absents.
  • Find how to reduce administrative overload on your staff.

  • Animated 3-D graphics.
  • Export into RTF/PDF/Excel/CSV formats.
  • Print reports.
  • Email reports.

Assets Utilization

Find a way to get information from every bit of available data.
dotCampus knows every way. Take its help.

Keeping track of assets utilization is very important. You can find out what to do with very under utilized assets and you can fine-tune class schedules and others to improve the utilization of every asset. This will also help you in planning, what if cases such as what happens if student strength is increased, etc.

  • Find out total occupancy time of each room, lab, computers, etc.
  • Find out un-utilized time of the day of each asset.

  • Animated 3-D graphics.
  • Export into RTF/PDF/Excel/CSV formats.
  • Print reports.
  • Email reports.

Syllabus Completion

Completing the syllabus in-time is the heart of the college.
Colleges which track it are the ones which gets best ranks or marks.

  • Track syllabus completion up-to-date.
  • Track planned classes for each subject vs actuals.
  • Track how many topics are taught more than once.
  • Track which subject has more topics that needed repeats.
  • Animated 3-D graphics.
  • Export into RTF/PDF/Excel/CSV formats.
  • Print reports.
  • Email reports.

Visitors' Activities

  • Find how many visitors are visiting your college daily.
  • Find out most common reasons for the visitors' visits.
  • Find out which staff member is getting more visitors.
  • Find out which student is getting more visitors.
  • Find out which day of the week is attracting more visitors.
  • Find out average number of visits by visitors.
  • Find out maximum visits of any visitor and the reasons

  • Animated 3-D graphics.
  • Export into RTF/PDF/Excel/CSV formats.
  • Print reports.
  • Email reports.

Staff Salary Payments

Be up-to-date always on cash-flows, receivables, payments.
dotCampus can track all for you.

  • Track when PF payments made to Govt.
  • Track when salaries are deposited.
  • Track income tax deductions and submission to Govt.
  • Track reimbursements.

  • Animated 3-D graphics.
  • Export into RTF/PDF/Excel/CSV formats.
  • Print reports.
  • Email reports.

Reasons for Absenteeism

This page is put under construction intentionally and is explained in one-on-one demo and presentation.

Poor Marks

This page is put under construction intentionally and is explained in one-on-one demo and presentation.

Poorly Understood Topics

This page is put under construction intentionally and is explained in one-on-one demo and presentation.

Future Fee Collections

This page is put under construction intentionally and is explained in one-on-one demo and presentation.

Parents Impact on Marks

This page is put under construction intentionally and is explained in one-on-one demo and presentation.


This page is put under construction intentionally and is explained in one-on-one demo and presentation.

Website Templates

Flexibility is built into the dotCampus architecture from day 1. The biggest goal of dotCampus architecture is to make it 100% self-serve where you can configure it to meet to your needs.

  • Manage your college website template completely from dotCampus which has built-in next generation dotCMS.
  • Complete WYSIWYG HTML editor.
  • Already have a website? Import existing website template.
  • Manage page specific styles.
  • Save tons of money on the website yearly maintenance.
  • 100% search engine optimized content management system.

Admission Form

Flexibility is built into the dotCampus architecture from day 1. The biggest goal of dotCampus architecture is to make it 100% self-serve where you can configure it to meet to your needs.

  • Completely configurable online admission form to exactly match your printed admission form.
  • Setup the admission form.
  • Setup online application form fields/prompts.
  • Specify in which order those fields need to be displayed.
  • Specify whether they are required or optional fields.
  • Specify custom labels for each field.
  • Specify pre-defined values for some fields and add/edit those pre-defined values. Eg: You may want to display Pune, Hyderabad as entrance exam centers.
  • You can also display terms & conditions, make any files available for download by the applicant.
  • Allow applicant to upload files, such as scanned copy of certificates.

Student Profiles

Flexibility is built into the dotCampus architecture from day 1. The biggest goal of dotCampus architecture is to make it 100% self-serve where you can configure it to meet to your needs.

  • The default profile already has all the fields that any college needs. However, if you still need any special fields specific to your college, you can add any number of custom fields.

Staff Profiles

Flexibility is built into the dotCampus architecture from day 1. The biggest goal of dotCampus architecture is to make it 100% self-serve where you can configure it to meet to your needs.

  • The default profile already has all the fields that any college needs. However, if you still need any special fields specific to your college, you can add any number of custom fields.

Fee Receipts

Flexibility is built into the dotCampus architecture from day 1. The biggest goal of dotCampus architecture is to make it 100% self-serve where you can configure it to meet to your needs.

  • You can configure the receipt exactly to match your existing pre-printed receipts.

Password Rules

Flexibility is built into the dotCampus architecture from day 1. The biggest goal of dotCampus architecture is to make it 100% self-serve where you can configure it to meet to your needs.

  • Configure the minimum length of the password.
  • Configure whether the password must have an upper case letter (letters A through Z) or not.
  • Configure whether the password must have a lower case letter (letters a through z) or not.
  • Configure whether the password must have a number or not.
  • Configure how frequently the expiration should expire or force user to change the password.

Roles & Permissions

Flexibility is built into the dotCampus architecture from day 1. The biggest goal of dotCampus architecture is to make it 100% self-serve where you can configure it to meet to your needs.

  • Configure roles and permissions of each role.
  • Configure the dash boards shown in the home page for each role.

Student Resume Formats

Flexibility is built into the dotCampus architecture from day 1. The biggest goal of dotCampus architecture is to make it 100% self-serve where you can configure it to meet to your needs.

  • Most of the data needed for the student resume is already available in dotCampus and you can configure additional fields you want to include.
  • Set up your college's standard resume format online.
  • Configure the fields to be included in the template.
  • Configure which placement agencies are allowed to see your students' resumes.
  • Configure companies can see which group of students' resumes.
  • Configure in which placement/job portals you want to participate and upload resumes automatically.
  • Student can configure his options and choose not to participate in any specific placement/job portals.

Standard Forms Data

Flexibility is built into the dotCampus architecture from day 1. The biggest goal of dotCampus architecture is to make it 100% self-serve where you can configure it to meet to your needs.

  • Many forms in dotCampus have one or more lists of values displayed using list boxes. You have full control over which data is available in each of those list boxes, the order in which they should display. You can also activate or deactivate any value shown in forms' list boxes at any time.

SMS Messages

Flexibility is built into the dotCampus architecture from day 1. The biggest goal of dotCampus architecture is to make it 100% self-serve where you can configure it to meet to your needs.

  • Configure format of each SMS message type.
  • Configure who receives each type of message.
  • Configure threshold for each SMS message type.
  • Configure who can send ad-hoc SMS messages and the recipient role.

Software Licensing

ZERO initial investment, Pay-as-you-go

If you get dotCampus kind of software developed and hosted in-house, you need to invest on the following

  • 1 Project manager
  • 1 Business analyst
  • 4-6 software developers
  • 1 database developer
  • 1 tester
  • 1 document/help system writer
  • 1 network-cum-system administrator

Just think how many months it would take to complete the project and how much it costs just in salaries. You can't simply layoff staff once project is complete, you need to have staff to maintain it too. In addition to it, you also need to spend huge amounts on the software to run your developed software. Those include

  • Robust and secure database server such as Microsoft SQL Server: You need 3 licenses, one for development environment, one for QA environment and another for Production environment. In production environment, you also need to pay per seat/user license in addition to standard software license).
  • Annual support fee: You definitely need this support from the database vendor in case if you come across any serious issues. This typically costs anywhere between 10-20% of the software license fee.
  • Upgrade cost: You need to upgrade your database every time there is a new release to make sure you can take the benefit of the new and updated features and performance and bug fixes.
  • Firewall cost: To safe-guard your data from outside hackers.
  • Utilities software/tools: You may need several tools such as graphics software, reporting software, report exports software, visual editors, debugging tools, performance measurement tools, help generation software, etc.
  • Operating System such as Microsoft Windows: Similar to database, you need to have at least 3 servers. If you host database and web server separately, you need at least 4-6 server licenses.

Yet, parents, students, or any one can not access your system 24x7 since it is hosted in the campus and systems are shutdown when college is closed. If you plan to keep servers on 24x7 and decide to go with a T1 line to make it available on the Internet, the bandwidth costs run into hundreds of thousands of rupees each year, yet won't be 100% reliable since the chances of downtime is huge when you don't do a multi-home hosting.

If you go for dotCampus by Software-as-a-Service model, you do not need to spend so much money that too initially. You also do not need to worry about all the headaches of license management, staff management, retention, their skill sets, day-to-day management, etc. You can simply concentrate on your core objective of teaching. All you've to do is pay by per student per month basis. If your institute has few students, you will be paying little. When your institute license increases and get more students, you simply pay accordingly.

Computer Hardware

ZERO investment on servers & annual maintenance.
The savings are enormous with dotCampus.

Your initial investment on computer hardware and its annual maintenance is also a huge amount.

  • Servers: You need at least 3-6 servers (one per each environment, ie, development, QA and Production, two per each environment if you host database and web server separately). Typically a good server costs over Rs 1,00,000 in India. The production server costs even more. While the initial investment itself is so high, it doesn't stop there, you need to replace parts or servers periodically too since there is a wear-and-tear and new versions of software needs more horse-power typically or new versions no longer support old hardware, etc.
  • Power Supply: You know how many times and hours a day power goes off unofficially. Even when it is stable in some seasons, you still need a good power supply for each server to prevent from voltage fluctuations. A 4-hour UPS costs a lot of money where 4-6 hour unofficial power cuts are common. Batteries needs to be changed at a regular interval and they do not come cheap either. You also need annual maintenance contract with the vendor.
  • Tape Backups: You need to take backups every day and also need to maintain offline backup. A good tape backup system costs over Rs 75,000 and each tape costs about Rs 2,000. Based on your retention period, you many need at least 30 tapes. As years go by, your data increases since you keep all old years data (erasing previous years data is not a good idea and defeats the purpose of computerization) and you need more and more tapes.
  • Air Conditioning: Based on the system usage and hot weather in India, you need to maintain air-conditioning to the server room and the initial setup and equipment costs itself runs into lakhs of rupees. You also need annual maintenance contract with the service provider.
  • Electricity Monthly Bill: Electricity consumptions will go through the roof for the high-speed power hungry computers and air-conditioning. This bill increases each year as Govt keep increasing per unit rates for high consumption users. Because of the above, your slab also goes into higher slab.

If you go with dotCampus Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) or pay-as-you-go model, you do not need any servers, tape backups and air-conditioning because the data is hosted on our servers and we take care of daily backups and keeping the server room cool as per international data center practices. The chances of power cut in our data center is almost ZERO and even in those cases, our data center is supported by very powerful backup power supply.

Staff Efficiency

dotCampus allows you to FOCUS on your core goal of best teaching and best ranks.

  • The process of “report generation” can be completely eliminated since dotCampus provides you hundreds or reports and analysis online instantly. This also eliminates multi-level reporting, ie, administrative staff reporting to department head, department heads reporting to principal and principal reporting to chairman, etc.
  • Progress and attendance cards also can be eliminated gradually since parents can check them online and dotCampus also notifies them via emails and SMS.
  • Frequently asked questions can be answered online to save valuable time to administrative staff.
  • Almost all administrative work is eliminated for teaching staff and they can fully concentrate on students and teaching.
  • Placement officer can place more students efficiently and he can also focus on students who are unable to get placement.
  • AICTE data posting time which takes about a month each year can be easily saved with dotCampus.
  • It takes less time to setup home work and question papers for teaching staff since they can access all the home work, question papers and question banks from all previous years online.
  • Teaching staff also can save lot of time by posting frequently asked questions and answers about each subject topic online in the course material.

IT Support Staff

Reduces high-skill set requirement, saves tons of money every year.

Due to worldwide IT outsourcing to India and increased job availability, very few highly skilled IT staff is willing to work in educational institutes. While dotCampus is taking care of complete data hosting, you do not need servers, databases, web servers setup in the campus which reduces highly/specific skilled IT staff requirement. This reduces IT staff turnover and total IT support staff cost too.


Utilize resources very efficiently, reduce resource requirement and expenses.

dotCampus helps you in utilizing all resources very efficiently and also reduces the amount resources required which automatically reduces the expenses. In these tough days where Govt and other committees demanding to reduce fee while fixed expenses are going up, utilization of resources highly efficiently and reduced resource requirement is very critical.

  • 100% reduction in expensive or any kind of server hardware, which runs into hundreds of thousands of rupees.
  • 100% reduction for UPS for servers, which is over Rs 2,00,000.
  • 100% reduction for expensive air-conditioning for servers, which is over Rs 5,00,000.
  • High bandwidth such as T1 line is no longer required which is over Rs 2,00,000 per year.
  • High reduction in stationary usage.
  • Reduction in storage area to store all question & answer papers, home work papers, etc.
  • Faculty save a lot of time in evaluating exam answer papers.
  • Administrative staff saves a lot of time in many repetitive and time consuming tasks.


Time is precious, make best use of it.

  • Administrative staff save time in hundreds of report generation, progress card preparation and distribution, notices for notice board printing and getting it signed and posting on the notice board, notifying parents about absents, fee reports generation for requested parents, student profile updates. They save enormous amount of time on preparing AICTE mandatory required information and other data to be exchanged with the affiliated/accredited universities and any third-parties. They also save a lot of time in answering applicants since they can see the status online and/or get informed via emails and SMS.
  • Teaching staff save time on preparing home work questions, setting up exam papers, exam paper evaluation, answering very frequently asked questions, calculating section & class ranks and submission of those reports to college management.
  • Parents save time and money in calling administrative staff or visiting college about their children marks, absents, progress. They can keep track of all via dotCampus, email and SMS.
  • Students can see all their info including profile info, marks, comparison with other students and alumni students, absents, leave application submission and approvals. They can submit home work online and avoid carrying tons papers to college daily. Read study material online, take practice exams online from home. They save lot of time in making trips to administrative office.
  • Management saves a lot of time since all the required information is available online instantly 24x7 from anywhere and no need to wait just because some one is absent.

dotCampus saves time to college management, faculty, applicants, students, parents, recruiters, any one who interacts with your institute.

Exam Evaluations

dotCampus saves 70% time in exam evaluations. What is a better relief than that?

All single choice, multi choice, fill-in-blank, match options type questions are evaluated and marks are allocated instantly up on completion of the exam. Online exams even speeds up long answer questions evaluation too. This saves so much of the faculty time that (s) he can creatively spend all that saved time in coming up better examples and better ways of teaching. It relieves them from lot of administrative work too because, student and parent can see his score right there online, department head and principal can see all reports instantly online. It saves a lot of time for the administrative staff too.

Based on the no of students and conducted exams, you can calculate how much you net savings are each month.

Homework Management

Track student performance in each home work with dotCampus before proceeding to next topic.

It is either too tedious or impractical to keep track of home work and students' performance. Without dotCampus faculty is limited to few homeworks which otherwise leads too much non-teaching hours workload.

With dotCampus, you can give home work specific to each topic and let dotCampus take the burden of evaluation, marks allocation, comparison with in the section, class and even with previous batches and reporting to faculty, college management and parents. You can also keep track student performance between home works and from the beginning of the year and see if the student is progressing or not. You can give one or more clues to students who are unable to do in one go and you can also show the correct answer to the student.

  • Find which student is unable to understand each topic.
  • No other tool other than dotCampus can help you in this.


Communication is the KEY in education.

dotCampus opens all communication channels to all connected to your institute.

  • Built-in campus email system: Any one in the campus can communicate with others instantly based on the configuration. It has powerful HTML editor and allows multiple attachments. Administrator can even configure to get a copy of all communications sent to configured administrator.
  • External emails: Your institute can extend your institute branded email services to students and alumni students as well there by boosting your institute image and spread the image by word-of-mouth and by each email sent.
  • SMS: Sends many SMS in many modules as per configuration. Some of the pre-configured modules include
  1. SMS to applicants when application status change or on important statuses.
  2. SMS to targeted members when a notice is posted in notice board.
  3. SMS fee reminders to parents.
  4. SMS exam reminders to students.
  5. SMS marks to parents and students.
  6. SMS absents to parents.
  7. SMS missed homework to parents.
  8. SMS to parents on unscheduled college holiday.
  9. SMS to parents if college opening data changes.
  • Forums: This is the most powerful communication channel which allows every student and faculty to discuss subject topics in detail and even senior students can participate on topics from previous years/semesters.
  • Wiki: This channel helps any one who has good command on the posted topic to write or update reference materials in Wiki and allows others to post comments on the same.
  • Group calendars: Allows to share events and appointments with in the campus.

dotCampus opens all communication channels.
It brings communication culture shock to the campus and speeds up decisions.


The savings on stationary itself pays for most of the dotCampus subscription fee.

  • How many exams do you conduct in a year?
  • How many students your institute has?
  • On an average, how many answer sheets are used per student?
  • On an average, how many sheets the question papers are?

No, please don't use a paper to calculate. Please use a calculator and get numbers for the above and find how much it is costing yearly.

Don't even think that you are going to recover some of those costs by selling those question and answer sheets in used paper market. By doing that, you are throwing away student privacy. You are exposing student name, roll no, etc, questions and answers, etc, too, which is very bad.

How many reports are generated yearly? How much ink and ballpoint pens are consumed to make these reports and correct answer papers and summarize marks, submit marks lists to principal and above?

With dotCampus, all the money you derived above is your savings.

Website Hosting

Subscribe to dotCampus and save yearly website hosting fee too.

Your dotCampus subscription includes your institute yearly website hosting too and you can clearly see how much money you are saving yearly. In very simple terms.

Your actual yearly cost of dotCampus = dotCampus yearly fee - (yearly website hosting fee you are currently paying + 4-6 times yearly website maintenance fee you are currently paying + 100+ times yearly email hosting fee you are currently paying)

Website Maintenance

Publish hundreds more pages in few clicks and save thousands of Rupees on yearly website maintenance costs.

Typically, web design company such as ours maintain your institute website. However, dotCampus comes with built-in revolutionary CMS (Content Management System) where you can edit your website online and publish to your website at any time. You can also maintain revisions of your website, which means you can see your website content as of a given past date too.

In addition to online website editing, you can publish hundreds of more pages from the data that is already captured in dotCampus which include

  • department profiles
  • staff profiles
  • student profiles
  • course details
  • course syllabus
  • class time tables
  • course syllabus
  • holidays
  • facilities pictures
  • videos
  • events
  • selected blogs
  • notice boards
  • news
  • jobs
  • FAQ

If you think the savings are the website maintenance fee that you are currently paying, you are wrong. With dotCampus, you are publishing 100s of more pages, pictures and videos that you never published which needs more hosting space and lot more yearly website maintenance fee if dotCampus is not used. So your savings are 3-4 times more than the yearly website maintenance fee that you currently pay.

Your actual yearly cost of dotCampus = dotCampus yearly fee - (yearly website hosting fee you are currently paying + 4-6 times yearly website maintenance fee you are currently paying + 100+ times yearly email hosting fee you are currently paying)

Emails Hosting

Give your institute branded emails to your staff, current & alumni students too and save lakhs of Rupees on yearly email hosting costs.

How many in your institute have your institute branded emails? Just staff members? How about students? None? Why? How about alumni students who are your institute brand carriers? Do you know how became so popular which was bought over by Microsoft for millions of dollars? Every one who sent email have in their email address and hot mail used to append their signature at the bottom of each email which spread the word like anything. We are not expecting you popularize your institute to sell to some one, but providing email to your students and alumni students forever boosts your institute brand like anything.

Just find out how much it is costing yearly to provide emails to just your staff. Then, calculate how much it costs yearly if you wanted to provide the same to all students and alumni students too?

With dotCampus, your email hosting fee is ZERO. If you think the savings are the email hosting fee that you are currently paying, you are wrong, because with dotCampus, you are not only providing emails to your staff but also providing to your current and alumni students.

Your actual yearly cost of dotCampus = dotCampus yearly fee - (yearly website hosting fee you are currently paying + 4-6 times yearly website maintenance fee you are currently paying + 100+ times yearly email hosting fee you are currently paying)

Instant Information

The benefits you get with instant traditionally impossible information is priceless.

It is impossible to put a number for how much you benefit for the information that used to take days or weeks available at the click of a mouse button. It is also true for the information that wasn't literally existing with traditional systems or namesake computerized systems.

Do not get confused “data” with “information”. “Information” is the result of intelligent processing of “data”. In traditional or namesake computerized systems, lot of data is not gathered; even the gathered data is not structured properly to be useful in any analysis.

Traders make millions of dollars with a little bit of valuable information. Even if you don't make millions of dollars with the information that we are taking about, you can at least help your institute in many ways that never thought was possible.

The information that we are talking about can not even be purchased for any amount. You can purchase data or information on events and things that are happening outside your campus, but not that happen inside your campus. Because, no one knows about the data or information that is happening inside your campus except you, but you also do not know about it because you are neither gathering the data at all or properly nor analyzing it. So, you can't even buy this priceless info from outside at any cost.

It is only possible with dotCampus without paying millions.


Monitor things with dotCampus that were never possible traditionally or in namesake computerization.

Many things can be monitored using dotCampus and based on how the data capture is scheduled by your staff, you can almost monitor real-time (relative to how long it takes now to get info, not real-time stock price kind of real-time). When you monitor real-time, you figure out what is going on and what action to take to prevent certain delays and disasters and also improve.

How much should we say you will be saving because of this? We can not put a bold figure here, since it is priceless.

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Team & Architecture

  • dotCampus is conceived and architected by Prasad Bodepudi—author of “PowerBuilder Vedas”, who also conducted PowerBuilder courses online globally in 1995 when the Internet was in infancy stage. He has over 18 years of experience in high performance database design, deployment and administration.
  • A project manager who worked on several dot architecture based packages for several years.
  • A select team of highly-qualified and skilled .NET programmers selected from all over India exclusively for dot packages. There are well trained to forget most popular-and-inefficient coding as well as most efficient dot architecture. They worked on in-house and customer projects before moved into dot architecture based packages.
  • One QA person, who is well trained in in-house developed automated testing tools and dot architecture based validations.
  • A team of people worked on the website, help system, how-to-videos and other presentations.
  • A well-trained business analyst.
  • A well experienced project coordinator to coordinate with colleges, universities, many third party service providers.
  • Database designer software
  • Visual Studio
  • SQL Server
  • In-house developed .NET and SQL code generators
  • In-house developed automated testing tools
  • In-house developed project validation tools
  • In-house developed highly-optimized compilation tools
  • In-house developed project deployment tools
  • In-house developed SQL schema obfuscators
  • .NET code obfuscators
  • High-volume data loaders for performance testing
  • .NET code performance testers
  • Dreamweaver
  • Royalty free high-quality images
  • Animated graphs generators
  • HTML/JS/CSS validators, compressors
  • SQL injection testers
  • Dynamic JS validators
  • Third-party dynamic menu generators
  • Video/presentation makers
  • and several other tools.
  • Data Validation
  • Data Protection
  • Server Protection

Storing data without validating makes the database a data junk yard which is even worse than a manual paper based system. In dotCampus, nothing goes into the database with out proper data validation. dotCampus validates all data for:

  • Valid data types
  • Minimum and maximum ranges
  • Allowed values based on the business logic
  • Dependencies
Four level data validation

All three layers, browser, .NET application and the database are logically treated as one application. However, in our architecture, no layer trusts the other layer when it comes to data validation and implements validation in each layer and protects itself. A simple example in layman terms, in a fort with two outer walls, the main fort simply should not avoid any security implementation just because it has two outer walls; these days, people can simply fly on to the main fort building and get into the building since no security is implemented. Each layer of validation should be treated as one more layer of protection.

  • Data is validated in the browser via JavaScript. This protects the data integrity by stopping you from doing any mistakes.
  • Data is validated in the .NET application. It protects your data from hackers who can use hundreds of publicly/privately available tools other than the browser interface that is provided to you.
  • Data is validated in the SQL Server in stored procedures. It protects your data from any one running the stored procedures directly in the database.
  • Data is validated in the schema level via defaults, rules, primary and foreign keys and triggers. This always maintains the integrity of the data stored in the database.
  • .NET code is compiled into DLLs, which makes it difficult for code theft if not impossible.
  • .NET code is obfuscated, which makes code theft even more impossible.
  • We use NO embedded SQL . All SQL is written as Stored Procedures ONLY . Even in the event of application crash, no one will be able to see the underlying SQL code. When written as embedded SQL (which is a WORST security model), the user not only gets direct access to the underlying database tables but also exposes the SQL to the viewer in the event of application crash, which allows any visitor to explore all of your data easily. It also exposes the SQL code to hackers if they get access to the application code. Once, we've seen the source code Yahoo mail login page (which is based on PHP) instead of login screen for about 4 hours when they configured their web server incorrectly.
  • The database user who executes the Stored Procedures through the application does NOT own ANY underlying tables. This makes your data even more secure, meaning, there is only one door to access data, not 100 ways like embedded and dynamic SQL (Executing dynamic SQL even from a Stored Procedure needs explicit permission on the underlying tables and views).
  • The database user who executes the Stored Procedures for dotCampus does NOT have ANY permission on the underlying tables, except the permission to execute Stored Procedures. This makes your data even more secure.
  • All Stored Procedures are encrypted so no hacker can access the business logic.
  • All Stored Procedures' source code is REMOVED from the database so no hacker can access the business logic.
  • SQL schema is obfuscated so that it takes a life time for the hacker to figure out database schema.
  • All passwords are PGP encrypted twice, ie, once in each layer in two different layers. This prevents any kind of direct access to the database.
  • Throughly tested for SQL injection attacks and all code is SQL injection protected.
  • None of your data file can be directly accessed by the visitor even up on login, i.e, data file names and locations are not exposed to the browser, i.e, for users and visitors.
  • Any data file that is stored on the file system instead of the database, are stored away from the website folders which gives 100% protection to your data.
  • File names in the file system are obfuscated; the only way to find out what that file is and to which data row it belongs to is via dotCampus only.
  • Unlike small & medium hosting industry trends, we do NOT host all services on the same server as it leads to single-point-of-failure and each service performance affects other services too.
  • DNS servers, email servers, web servers, data servers are hosted on their own physical servers.
  • DNS servers hosting is spread geographically.
  • Only required ports are open that too with restrictions.
  • We use modified ports in all servers for all services wherever it is practically feasible.
  • All default and general accounts are renamed and locked, we use only custom accounts to even administer the servers.
  • Servers are protected using firewalls.
  • Data on the server is protected with anti-virus software to prevent any signed-in user uploading any virus infected file(s) un-intentionally and unknowingly.
  • All un-needed services are shutdown and disabled on all servers.
  • All important server events and alerts are closely monitored 24x7.
  • File system is incrementally backed up twice a day to external tapes and retained for N days, which means any data deleted accidentally is still available for N days to restore.
  • Databases are backed up on daily basis and compressed with password and backed up to tapes via file system backup with password protection.
  • Database transaction logs are backed up every 10 minutes, meaning, in case of any unfortunate event, the data loss would be for a maximum of 10 minutes duration.
  • Monthly copies of the data are also saved at an external location.
  • All infrastructure scripts are generated and saved automatically.
  • All database access is via Stored Procedures only, which not only saves lot of network traffic and also improves the performance.
  • Right from the database design stage itself, schema is carefully designed to use optimum data type for each field so that not even a single byte is wasted in storage.
  • All the stored procedures and .NET code is tested on a 1,00,000 student data (which is very possible for a large college over multiple years)
  • .NET code is tested for memory and CPU utilization.
  • We've written web applications from 1995 where 14K modem was the only available modem for consumers and we know the importance of bandwidth. Bandwidth is still premium and also takes extra time to download. This matters most for institutes located away from cities especially. All code is optimized to generate optimum HTML code to send to browser targeting students and parents who may access dotCampus from home on a 64K modem, even though broadband is very common these days.
  • We do NOT use default .NET HTML controls provided by Microsoft since we know how much extra HTML it generates for no benefit (except for ISPs who can charge more). We understand that it can be compressed at server level before sending to browser, but, why to generate junk in the first place and come up with all methods to speed up? Prevent at the source itself.
  • We do NOT use ViewState anywhere, since we know it adds extra data to final HTML page any where from 10K to 100K+.

Mobile Website Design

Website Hosting

Email Hosting

Website Updates

Search Engine Optimization